SA Ambulance Service is the provider of emergency medical assistance, treatment and transport, non-urgent patient transport and high-quality patient care in South Australia.
The ambulance service operates out of 105 ambulance stations across the state and its operational workforce comprises of around 2200 staff, including both on-road ambulance crews and staff who work in the Emergency Operations Centre (where triple zero (000) calls are received and ambulance resources dispatched).
Around 1500 SA Ambulance Service staff are volunteer ambulance officers and support SA’s smaller country towns. Career paramedics and intensive care paramedics work in larger country towns, as well as metropolitan Adelaide.
Click here to download a map showing where SAAS paid and volunteer stations are. (205kb PDF)
SA Ambulance Service works closely with the Royal Flying Doctor Service and the statewide retrieval service, ensuring access to people in remote locations.
All of SA Ambulance Service’s patients services staff are highly trained in the management of asthma and carry oxygen and drugs to effectively treat cases that range from mild to life-threatening.
In a medical emergency, including asthma, always call triple zero (000) for access to immediate medical assistance.